Subversion Repositories OpenARM Single-board Computer

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 335 → Rev 346

75,7 → 75,8
"\t--verbose|-v [level] sets verbosity level\nOrder of options DOES matter\n".
"\t--bomdir|-b <dir> tells script where boms should be searched\n".
"\t--outfile|-o <file> tells where script shall save output data\n".
"\t--force|-f forces script to save data even if file exist already\n";
"\t--force|-f forces script to save data even if file exist already\n".
"\t-l <num> repeat title for output tables every <num> rows\n";
print "\t\e[0;31mThis Help Is created especially for \e[0;33mJelle\e[0;29m\n".
"\tThis script search all directories below specified ones to find interesting files\n";
434,6 → 435,7
"help|h|?:s" => sub { $show_help = 1; },
"outfile|o=s" => sub { $Config{$_[0]} = $_[1]; },
"force|f" => sub { $Config{$_[0]} = 1 },
"lines|l=i" => sub { $Config{$_[0]} = abs(int($_[1]));},
# options
557,7 → 559,20
print $out $bomtable->rule('-','+');
print $out $bomtable->title();
print $out $bomtable->rule('-','+');
print $out $bomtable->body();
unless (defined $Config{'lines'}) {
print $out $bomtable->body();
} else {
my @p = split(/\n/,$bomtable->body());
while (@p) {
my @sub = splice @p,0,$Config{'lines'};
print $out join("\n",@sub)."\n";
if (scalar @p > 0) {
print $out $bomtable->rule('-','+');
print $out $bomtable->title();
print $out $bomtable->rule('-','+');
print $out $bomtable->rule('-','+');
printf $out "\nTotal cost: %.3f\n\n\n", $cost;
583,7 → 598,20
print $out $parttable->rule('-','+');
print $out $parttable->title();
print $out $parttable->rule('-','+');
print $out $parttable->body();
unless (defined $Config{'lines'}) {
print $out $parttable->body();
} else {
my @p = split(/\n/,$parttable->body());
while (@p) {
my @sub = splice @p,0,$Config{'lines'};
print $out join("\n",@sub)."\n";
if (scalar @p > 0) {
print $out $parttable->rule('-','+');
print $out $parttable->title();
print $out $parttable->rule('-','+');
print $out $parttable->rule('-','+');