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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# Thu, 13 Nov 2008 21:06:23 +0100
# Maciej 'agaran' Pijanka <>
# for OpenARM SBC Project
# license: gpl v3

use Getopt::Long qw//;


# idea/todo
# -v for verbose (muiltiple for more)
# -q for quiet or -s for silent?
# some file with definitions of required fields
# if not present (default) then hardcoded data will
# be used
# split elements by types so defaults/required-fields
# different for different types could be applied
# --verbose
# --file "pathtoschematic"
# --list "id,description,partid,manufacturer,ordercode,quanity,price,total"
# --list "id,description,partid,footprint,refdes,sheet"
# --configfile "pathtoconfigfile:
# --search partid "LD1117S12TR"
# inventory.conf
# path-to-directory-of-external-component-information
# path-to-directory-of-schematics
# match information-source to "information.txt"
# match description to "Description:"
# match manufacturer to "Manufacturer:"
# match ordercode to "Order Code:"
# calculate total per schematics
# calculate total sum of all schematics
# layout asci
# spaces one
# merge schematics information
# seperate schematics information
# first stage is build list of all data found (no caching concept yet)
# then find all sch and make bom? or find already done boms?

sub dbg_printf($$@) {
    my ($lvl, $format, @args) = @_;

    return if ($lvl >= 3) ;

    printf STDERR $format, @args;

sub parse_ifile($) {
    my ($filepath) = @_;

    open(IN, $filepath) or return 1;

    while (not eof IN) {
        my $line = <IN>;

        chomp $line;

        if ($line =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]+[     ]*:[    ]+.*$/) {
            my ($name,$value) = split (/[   ]*:[    ]+/, $line);
            if ($name =~ /^price$/i) {
            } elsif ($name =~ /^manufacturer$/i) {
            } elsif ($name =~ /^description$/i) {
            } elsif ($name =~ /^datasheet$/i) {
            } elsif ($name =~ /^supplier$/i) {
            } elsif ($name =~ /^$/i) {
            } else {
                dbg_printf(1, "UNHANDLED IDATA %s = %s\n", $name, $value);
        } else {
            dbg_printf(3, "REST %s\n", $line);


sub build_ifile_list($);
sub build_ifile_list($) {
    my ($dir) = @_;

    if ( -d $dir) {
        opendir(DIR, $dir) or return 1;
        foreach my $e (readdir(DIR)) {
            my $fe = $dir .'/'. $e;
            if ( -f $fe) {
                # Whoo file we have
                if ($e =~ /\.[pP][dD][fF]$/) {
                    # its an pdf file if filename is correct
                    dbg_printf(3, "PDF %s\n", $fe);
                } elsif ($e eq 'information.txt') {
                    # we found an information.txt file
                    dbg_printf(2, "IFILE %s\n", $fe);
                } else {
                    printf STDERR "FILE %s\n", $fe;
            } elsif (-d $fe) { # now its dir...
                if ($e eq '.svn') { # if entry name is equal to svn
                    next; # go to next entry in foreach loop
                next if ($e eq '.' or $e eq '..'); # skip to next if dir entry is . or ..

                dbg_printf(3, "DIR %s\n", $fe);
                # so we are in dir and not unwanted one
                # so scan deeper
            } else {
                # symlink or other myserius beast
