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# author:       Jelle de Jong <>
# dist-license: GPLv3
# use-license:  unlimited

# 00:10 - 00:50 = 0:40 minutes it took to calculate these values

#Element[   SFlags  "Desc"  "Name"  "Value" MX      MY      TX  TY  TDir    TScale  TSFlags ]
Element [   ""      ""      ""      ""      1000    1000    0   0   0       100     ""      ]
    Attribute("description"     "HCM49 (LF A147E)")
    Attribute("author"          "Jelle de Jong <>")
    Attribute("copyright"       "Copyright (C) 2009 by Jelle de Jong, PowerCraft Technology")
    Attribute("use-license"     "unlimited")
    Attribute("dist-license"    "GNU General Public License v3")
    Attribute("documentation"   "")

#   Pad [   rX1      rY1      rX2     rY2     Thickness   Clearance   Mask    "Name"  "Number"    SFlags      ]
    Pad [  -11811    0       -25591   0       7874        9528        8661     ""     "1"         "square"    ]
    Pad [   11811    0        25591   0       7874        9528        8661     ""     "2"         "square"    ]

#   ElementLine [   rX1     rY1      rX2     rY2     Thickness   ]
    ElementLine [  -22441  -9646     22441  -9646    1000        ]
    ElementLine [  -22441   9646     22441   9646    1000        ]

    ElementLine [   22441  -9646     22441  -4937    1000        ]
    ElementLine [   22441   4937     22441   9646    1000        ]
    ElementLine [  -22441   9646    -22441   4937    1000        ]
    ElementLine [  -22441  -4937    -22441  -9646    1000        ]

#   ElementArc [    rX      rY      Width   Height  StartAngle  DeltaAngle  Thickness   ]
    ElementArc [   -16535  -4937    3240    3240    270         90          1000        ]
    ElementArc [    16535  -4937    3240    3240    180         90          1000        ]
    ElementArc [    16535   4937    3240    3240    90          90          1000        ]
    ElementArc [   -16535   4937    3240    3240    0           90          1000        ]

# mm to 1000st mill is
# echo "scale=5; ((X)*10/2.54)*1000" | bc

# -----

# pad
# heigth=2.0 mm
# width=5.5 mm

# Thickness
# 1.5 mm
# echo "scale=5; (2.0*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# 7874.01000

# Mask
# 10%
# echo "scale=5; 2.0 * 1.10" | bc
# 2.200
# echo "scale=5; (2.20*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# 8661.41000

# Clearance
# 10%
# echo "scale=5; 2.20 * 1.10" | bc
# 2.4200
# echo "scale=5; (2.420*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# 9527.55000

# ----- left pad -- pin 1

# Y1 and Y2 are zero

# X1
# echo "scale=5; 4.0 / 2" | bc
# 2.0
# echo "scale=5; 2.0 / 2" | bc
# 1.0
# echo "scale=5; 2.0 + 1.0" | bc
# 3.0
# echo "scale=5; (3.0*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# - 11811.02000

# X2
# echo "scale=5; 5.50 - 2.0" | bc
# 3.50
# echo "scale=5; 3.0 + 3.50" | bc
# 6.50
# echo "scale=5; (6.50*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# - 25590.55000

# ----- upper left corner silkscreen

# body height:
# 4.90 mm
# body length:
# 11.4 mm

# X1
# echo "scale=5; 11.4 / 2" | bc
# 5.70000
# echo "scale=5; (5.70*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# 22440.94000

# Y1
# echo "scale=5; 4.90 / 2" | bc
# 2.45000
# echo "scale=5; (2.450*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# - 9645.66000

# ----- point above left pad to start silkscreen

# echo "scale=5; 2.0 / 2" | bc
# 1.0
# echo "scale=5; (1.0*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# 3937.00000
# echo "scale=5; 3937.0 + 1000" | bc
# 4937.00000

# ----- arc point above left pad to start silkscreen

# start point left X
# echo "scale=5; 10.3 / 2" | bc
# 5.15000
# echo "scale=5; (5.150*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# 20275.59000

# heigth point Y
# echo "scale=5; 3.80 / 2" | bc
# 1.90000
# echo "scale=5; (1.90*10/2.54)*1000" | bc
# 7480.31000
# echo "scale=5; 7480.310 / 2" | bc
# 3740.15500
# just made 3240 out of it so it looks better

# echo "scale=5; 20275.59000 - 3740.15500" | bc
# 16535.43500